Located in:
Towanda Kansas
© Copyright 2024 Gardenersbud
For best results
While chlorine won’t kill plants directly, its intent is to kill
bacteria and microorganisms! Compost tea contains these
bacteria and microorganisms that are necessary and benefi-
cial to plant health.
If you can, please take one of the following steps:
The easiest and most economical step is to let water set
out in an open container (a bowl or bucket with a large sur-
face area) for more than 24 hours. This is at a room tempera-
ture of 70 degrees F or warmer (if the temperature is cooler
let it set longer).
If you don’t want to wait that long, you can boil water for
15 minutes or so and let it cool back to room temperature
prior to use.
Collect rain water.
Use water from an untreated well.
Use distilled water (Not bottled drinking water. It usually
still contains chlorine in the sealed container).
Run water through an active carbon filter (before mixing).